
Angelic Realm-Archangels
by Bonnie Moss 2003-10
Angels around us!
There are many angel stories circulating ,angel pins
are ever popular, what about television? "Touched
by an Angel" ran for many seasons. Lately, the
series "Joan of Arcadia" is getting good reviews.
These are figments of imagination, but it does
carry a message.
MICHAEL Michael is referred to by some
as "Prefect of God".
His element is FIRE, he faces SOUTH. Michael is best
known among men, for he is the protector of humanity.
He is called upon in times of danger, invoke his
protection, asked for his wisdom. He is acknowledged
by most sacred traditions. It is believed it was Archangel
Michael who rescued Daniel and is friends from the
lion's den. To Christians, he was the one who was sent
by God to inform Mary of her coming death.
In Islamic lore, Michael is described as having wings
of green emerald, covered with saffron hairs, each
containing many faces and many mouths and tongues
who speak in countless dialects. They seek his help
to implore the pardon of Allah.
Michael was the Commander-in-chief in the was against
the legion of fallen angels, where Lucifer and his fallen
angels were driven out of the heavens. He is the
"Prince of "Light" described in the Dead Sea scrolls,
who led a war against the Sons of Darkness, an angelic
battle with the fallen angels led by Belial. He is the
guardian angel of Israel,he is the commander-in-chief
of God's host of angel armies.
He is depicted with a sword, or with a scale weighing
the souls of the dead. He is also called the warrior angel.
In Hebrew, Gabriel means " Man of God".
His element is WATER, he faces WEST
This confers on him the title, Messenger of God. It
was Archangel Gabriel who visited Mary to announce
that she was chosen to be the mother of the saviour.
He also visited Mary's cousin Elizabeth to bring tidings
of the coming birth of her son, John the Baptist. In
Islam, Gabriel is the Spirit of Truth who dictated the
Koran to Mohammed.
In Jewish legend, Gabriel parted the waters of the
Red Sea as Moses and his people were pursued by
the Pharaoh's troops. Gabriel came to Joan of Arc,
inspired her to go to the aid of the dauphin, the eldest
son of the King of France. These apparitions of Gabriel
arouse interest as the heavenly awakener, angel of
vibratory transformation. He is described as a human
figure with long hair, multicolored wings and seen
holding a sceptre or lily.
His element is AIR,and he faces EAST He is referred to a.
as the healer of God". Among the archangels,Raphael is
perhaps the most endearing. Great masters like Boticelli,
Titan,Rembrandt features Raphael on their canvas. He
is charged with healing the Earth, he is known to be the
travelers'Guide, also a Guardian of youth.
As a healer, he was assigned medical missions, he healed
the pain of circumsicion for Abraham in his old age. He is
frequently depicted in Western art. Raphael is the travelers
guide and guardian of youth. The ruler of the second heaven
shows up in Christian paintings carrying a pilgrim's stick,
a wallet and a fish.
Raphael is also associated with medical missions. God sent
Raphael to cure poor Jacob's thigh after he'd been roughed
up by Samael. And it's also claimed that Raphael gave Noah
a much-prized 'medical book' after the flood. Legends abound
about Raphael. When Solomon prayed to God for aid in building
the great temple in Jerusalem, Raphael personally delivered
the gift of a magic ring with the power to subdue all demons.
Raphael has also been called 'a guide in hell,' which after
all,is where healing is needed the most
His element is EARTH, faces NORTH
.He is called the "Light of God"
Uriel is ranked variously as a seraph, cherub, regent of the
Sun, flame of God, presider over Hades. He is best-known
as the Archangel of Salvatio, of the Presence, a most high
posting since only the highest voltage angels can sustain
the presence of God. Uriel is thought to have been "the spirit
who stood at the gate of the lost Eden with the fiery sword."
The Book of Enoch tells us God sent Uriel to warn Noah of
the impending flood, and elsewhere it is written that he
disclosed the mysteries of the heavenly arcana to Ezra,
and that he also led Abraham out of Ur in the Chaldean
region.Some have claimed that the divine art of alchemy
was brought down to Earth by Uriel, and that it was also
this angel who gave the Kabbalah, the Hebrew mystic
tradition, to humankind.
Who is Archangel Uriel
Angels to Petition
Angel Theban Script
How to Contact Your Guardian Angel