The Mystery of Sacred Geometry
Bonnie Moss (c) January,2013
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new lands but seeing with new eyes....Marcel Proust
Robert Ferré :"Sacred geometry is the act of studying the
divine act of creation and then using that knowledge to
create in the same way. By studying nature, we find that
the basic building blocks of creation are geometric.
Since a divine hand is responsible for originating
the numbers and proportions of the manifest universe, that geometry is sacred.
Studying sacred geometry leads us to truth and self-understanding. All societies
use sacred geometry to construct their temples, sacred places, and art.
Chartres Cathedral, for example. And its labyrinth. Numbers aren't just for counting,
nor are they just symbolic. They are the actual essence of everything that exists."
Don't you ever marvel at Nature's beauty? In the ancient times, man was in touch with Nature
around him. There was no science, no technology, no modern tools to help him. He knew how
to listen to the messages of the Earth, of Mother Nature. He believed in a higher power that magically
leads him where he needed to go and do what had to be done with the skills and tools he had.
He looked to the skies for omens. He worked with the elements. He understood the four directions
without the aid of a compass. He was in tune with the universe around him. He was peaceful.
The blueprint of creation is based on sacred geometry. Look around you- notice that the natural
pattern and movement of growth on this earth which conforms to one or more geometric shape.
Ancient science and wisdom explored the energy patterns that created, unified and revealed the way
Creation organized itself. As you enter the world of Sacred Geometry you begin to see as never
before the wonderfully patterned beauty of Creation.
The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snow flakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond
crystals, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within,
the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes.
Notice the circular or square or other geometrical shapes of plates, glasses and other dinnerware
and kitchenware.We hold many items around us, yet oblivious to the shapes and possible symbology
of it. Jewelry design exhibits many geometrical patterns- circles, cubes, triangles, pentacles and more.
These geometrical shapes in jewelry is believed to have positive effects on the energy field around
the person. Some promote the idea that these items reduce the potential health hazards from
electro-magnetic forces.
These codes allow us to gaze directly at the lines on the face of deep wisdom
and offers us a glimpse into the inner workings of the Universal Mind and the Universe itself.
In his tutorial, Bruce Rawles writes:
In nature, we find patterns, designs and structures from the most minuscule particles,
to expressions of life discernible by human eyes, to the greater cosmos. These inevitably
follow geometrical archetypes, which reveal to us the nature of each form and its vibrational
resonances. They are also symbolic of the underlying metaphysical principle of the inseparable
relationship of the part to the whole. It is this principle of oneness underlying all geometry
that permeates the architecture of all form in its myriad diversity. This principle of
interconnectedness, inseparability and union provides us with a continuous reminder
of our relationship to the whole, a blueprint for the mind to the sacred foundation of
all things created.
Shapes and symbols
The sphere is the simplest and most perfect of all forms. It is believed to be the ultimate expression
of unity, consciousness and integrity. All the points on the surface are equally accessible. It is regarded
as the center from which all originate- atoms, cells, seeds, planets, the stars the moon and all other
bodies in the galaxy.
The circle is a two-dimensional shadow of the sphere which is regarded throughout cultural history as an
icon of the ineffable oneness; the indivisible fulfillment of the Universe. All other symbols and geometries
reflect various aspects of the profound and consummate perfection of the circle, sphere and other
higher dimensional forms of these we might imagine.
The 5 Platonic Solids
The Platonic solids are named after Plato. He wrote about
this in his philosophical dialogue Timaeus c 360 B.C. He
associated each of the regular solids with the elements.
Earth- associated with the cube Air- associated with
the octahedron Water with the icosahedron Fire with the tetrahedron.
He further added the intuitive aspect for these associations. The heat of fire feels sharp and
stabbing like little tetrahedra. The miniscule components of air is smooth, thus the association
with the octahedron. Water , the isocahedron, flows out of your hands when you pick it up, as if it
is made of little balls. The hexahedron or cube, is a regular solid representing the solidity of Earth.
The fifth Platonic solid, the dodecahedron, as Plato described it as the God used to arrange the
constellations on the heavens. Aristotle added a fifth element, the ether, and he postulated that
the heavens were made of this element.
These five solids are ideal, primal models of crystal patterns that occur throughout the world of
minerals in countless variations. Euclid explained that a Platonic solid is a regular, convex polyhedron.
The faces of these solids are congruent, with the same numbe of faces meeting at each vertex which
is the criteria of naming these solids, each named according to the number of faces.
As far back as Greek Mystery schools 2500 years ago it was taught that there are five perfect
3-dimensional forms - the tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron ...
collectively known as the Platonic Solids; and that these form the foundation of everything in the
physical world.There are many in-depth studies on the Platonic solids.
Spirals generated by a recursive nest of Golden Triangles (triangles with relative side lengths of 1, phi
and phi) is the classic shape of the Chambered Nautilus shell. The creature building this shell uses
the same proportions for each expanded chamber that is added; growth follows a law which is everywhere
the same. The outer triangle is the same as one of the five "arms" of the pentagonal graphic above.
Rotating a circle about a line tangent to it creates a
torus, which is similar to a donut shape where the
center exactly touches all the "rotated circles."
The surface of the torus can be covered with 7
distinct areas, all of which touch each other; an
example of the classic "map problem" where one
tries to find a map where the least number of
unique colors are needed. In this 3-dimensional case,
7 colors are needed, meaning that the torus has a high
degree of "communication" across its surface. The
image shown is a "birds-eye" view.
Flower of Life
The Flower of Life is etched on the walls of Osirion at Abydos, Egypt. This figure
contains a vast Akashic system of information, including templates of the five Platonic solids.
Labyrinths are found in many places.
Some are permanent and some are brought in
temporarily for events. The challenge for
labyrinth enthusiasts is often how to get
permission to introduce a labyrinth into a specific environment. This
section of the website examines some of the places where labyrinths
may be found, the benefits of having them there, how they are used, and how
people were able to install them there in the first place! Ref.. labyrinth society
Vesica Piscis
is formed by the intersection of two circles or spheres whose centers exactly touch.
This is a symbolic intersection representing common ground or shared vision or mutual understanding
between equal individuals. The human eye is a Vesica Piscis. It is the spiritual significance of seeing
eye to eye to the mirror of the soul. Artists in the Renaissance period used this form extensively in
art and architecture. The ratio of the axes of the form is the square root of 3. This alludes to the deepest
nature of the triune which rational language alone cannot express.
Metatron's Cube contains 2-dimensional images of the 5 Platonic solids and other primal forms.
Mandala is another interesting geometrical image.
The harmonic sequence in music has geometrical implications.
The Golden Ratio states that the ratio of the whole to the larger portion is the same as the ratio of
the larger portion to the smaller portion.Symbolically, it is a linkage of each new generation to
its ancestors,preserving the continuity of relationship as the means of retracing its lineage.
The Fibonacci numbers
Leonardo of Pisa, or Leonardo Pisano, an Italian is considered as "greatest European mathematician
of the middle ages". Pisa is famous for its leaning tower. He was a wealthy merchant who travelled
throughout the Middle East. He was captivated by the mathematical ideas of India and the Arabic
countries. He published these ideas in a book, the Liber Abaci, which was a discourse on mathematical
methods in commerce. These ideas became a landmark in Europe. He introduced the Hindu- Arabic
number system in Europe. This system is what we use today based on ten digits with its decimal
point and a symbol for zero: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
He came to be known as Fibonacci. Studies show the famous and beautiful occurence of the Fibonacci
sequence in nature generally associated with a spiral structure. A variety of trees and flowers show how
the spiralling effect occur. The leaves on a stem of a flower or a branch of a tree often grow in a helical
pattern spiralling around the branch as new leaves form further out. Many flowers offer a beautiful
confirmation of the Fibonacci mystique. A daisy has a central core consisting of tiny florets arranged in
opposing spirals. Sunflowers are the most spectacular. example, typically having 55 spirals one way
and 89 in the other; or, in the finest varieties, 89 and 144.
Pine cones are also constructed in a spiral fashion. The most interesting is the pineapple - built from
adjacent hexagons, three kinds of spirals appear in three dimensions. Why has Mother Nature found
an evolutionary advantage in arranging plant structures in spiral shapes exhibiting the Fibonacci sequence?
Golden ratio
Throughout history, the ratio for length to width of rectangles has been considered the most pleasing
to the eye. This ratio was named the golden ratio by the Greeks. In the world of mathematics, the
numeric value is called "phi", named for the Greek sculptor Phidias. The space between the collumns
form golden rectangles. There are golden rectangles throughout this structure which is found in Athens,
Greece. Many architects and artists have proportioned their works to approximate the golden ratio,
especially in the form of the golden rectangle.
Jackie Craven writes thatArchitecture begins with geometry. Since earliest times, architects have
relied on mathematical principles. The ancient Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius believed that builders
should always use precise ratios when constructing temples. "For without symmetry and proportion
no temple can have a regular plan," Vitruvius wrote in his famous treatise De Architectura, or
Ten Books on Architecture
The designs of exalted holy places from the prehistoric monuments at Stonehenge and the Pyramid of
Khufu at Giza, to the world's great cathedrals, mosques, and temples are based on these same principles
of sacred geometry.
Sacred geometry shapes and mystique is believed to encourage man to work with unity and wholeness
to raise awareness that man and nature are not separate. Geometry helps us to discover the inherent
proportion, balance and harmony that exists in any situation, all manifesting the stages of becoming,
to find our reality in all that we do in our lives from day to day.
There is so much more about sacred geometry. This article barely touches on the subject of sacred
geometry. There are more geometrical shapes around us. I found this subject fascinating and eye-opening.
A curious mind can spend many, many hours reading about sacred geometry and not cover all the areas
of its application. In architecture alone, this subject makes for an amazing journey into the pyramids,
the temples, churches and many other structures.
Bruce Rawles-Ancient Wisdom and Knowledge
wikipedia.org Platonic solids
about.com-sacred geometry
enlightened awareness.com
photos courtesy:
passionfruit-enlightened awareness.com
vesica piscis- labyrinth,net.au
shell- uarl.edu/lasmoller/fibonacci.html
photos courtesy of Bing -images of sacred geometry