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The Masks We Wear
by Bonnie Moss (c) 2010 Aug

We all wear a mask at one time or another. Conflicting needs, desires,
values, beliefs, way of life and way of thinking at times demand a
different approach. We have to understand that there are different
personas within each of us.
There is a mask for every occasion or
situation. Don’t we all have some
masks hanging in the closet? We wear
a mask of coldness, especially when we
are mad at someone. This mask comes in handy
in antagonistic times. It comes off after the
conflict or issue is settled.
Some wear the mask of affluence. This is a very
common mask we all wear at times. However, there are
those who get carried away. They start to judge
others by their outer appearance and fail to see the
inner person. This truly defines a mask. Those who wear
this mask don't recognize the folly of this. They
carry on with life as if the only thing that matters is defined by physical
appeareances- their persona, the vehicles they drive, a picture perfect home
and their material belongings and pursuits. There is nothing wrong
with this way of life so long as this is not the basis of what Life is.
So long as you do not start to look down on anyone with simpler way of Life.
Some refer to this mask as being plastic.
Some can see through the masks we wear or the masks we hide behind. A mask of
friendliness can be a vicious one. It is one thing to extend a helping hand
to someone in need, yet another to foster a meaningless friendship – a relationship
that will only last till the first disagreement. Don't wear a mask of friendship
when all you can offer is a nodding acquaintance, or someone can be useful- for
a while. There are many who understand and treasure the word “ friendship.”
Some wear the mask of knowledge and flaunt it. In reality, they do not understand
the essence of whatever it is they profess to know. Knowledge of a subject goes
deeper than the words that describe it. There is truth. There is essence.
There is a message.
There is a mask of strength and courage when the situation demands it- even
though we are literally shaking in our boots. Someone depends on us to show that
strength, to muster that courage in the face of difficult times. Or does this
strength define character? It is not a mask, but the real person.
John Milton wrote: Of all the evil, hypocrisy walks invisible.
Of the many masks we wear, where does hypocrisy hide?
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