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Just Do It!
Bonnie Moss(c) 2005-11
How much time have I wasted thinking about doing something. Just thinking. Of course, nothing
gets done. Then I feel angry with myself. I will try my very best to just do it.If I think of doing
something,I'll get up and do it. Most of the time, things waiting to get done require only a few minutes.
Tops thirty minutes.
I tried this with writing. I have these articles percolating in my brain for the past few months.
I promised myself no more procrastinating.
Ahhh!!!! Whoever invented that word. It's a self- defeating word, it sends twinges of guilt
through me, it makes me feel lazy and unproductive, then full of guilt at the end of the day.
Yet, I am not totally that unproductive. Lately, I try to get up with the rising sun, even on a sunless
morning.I start with the mundane routine of poking the fire, get the coffee going, then have my first
dose of caffein while I sit and monitor the fire till I'm satisfied that its roaring happily.
Then it's meditation time. Just a few minutes to give thanks for another day, another page in my life.
It's a chance to welcome whatever new beginning is planned for me. Next, it's time to spend with my
techno friend,my computer and check the weather for the day,and see what's going on with this
crazy world.
When my day starts like this, I find it easier to get the flow going. After breakfast, I manage to
de-clutter a bit, one area a day. Amazing how much tidier my surroundings are these days. I do not
have guilt nagging me about my non-existent to do list, but nonetheless, I have things to do.
Just doing it allows me the pleasure of taking in the outdoors, in peace. I started a walking meditaion
as I take a brief walk and enjoy the freshness of a new day.I don't just think about the outdoors. I am
pleased with myself, I finished two articles, and there are more ideas popping up in my head.
Just doing it gives me a sense of accomplishment.
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