| Who's Creating YOUR Reality
Author: Rosella Aranda
Copyright: 2005
"What is happening within us will create what happens outside us."
"There is no `out there' out there, independent of what is going on in here."
"We are operating as if today were yesterday."
These quotes are taken from the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know?"
This fascinating film demonstrates cinematically what the Seth material told us
years ago. Its basic premise is that we literally create our own reality.
If there is conflict, turmoil or frustration in our outer experience, the cause lies in the inner
realm of our minds.Our outer world is nothing more than an outward manifestation of the
mental images that we carry. Most of us have no trouble agreeing with this on the surface, but . . .
It's Too Dark in There!
Rather than explore the murky depths of our own soul, we would rather continue to
look "out there" in hopes of finding someone else who might "crawl inside our heads"
and fix us.
So we buy the latest and the greatest self-help package that catches our eye, but in
short order we're back to where we started from.
Did you know that many people never even use the programs they purchase? These
people are defeated before they ever get started!
And even for the most determined people who actually do everything suggested, the
results have been fragile,artificial and short-lived. Why is that?
Ideas Must Be Planted in a Fertile Mind
It's not so much that these reprogramming methods are faulty. It's just that the people
who want and need these tools lack the basic sense of self-worth that would allow any
desirable ideas to take root.
It's almost as if there were an invisible demon inside shoveling out the good stuff as quickly
as we can put it in!It's a bit like trying to plant flowers in a chalk garden.They will not grow.
This is why it is crucial to first expose and release the underlying subconscious beliefs that
are holding us back. The circumstances behind how and why these harmful beliefs got lodged
in the first place are as unique and varied as the individuals themselves, so a "one-size-fits-all"
approach won't work.
You Are a Unique Individual with a Unique Personal Tale.
It is only by uncovering the details of your own personal history that you will be able to
permanently "unplug" and disempower your crippling beliefs.
What Are You Going To Do About It?
I'm reminded of a story that I first heard years ago on a tape series from one of my favorite
mentors,Dr. Deepak Chopra. It goes something like this . . .
Elephants born in captivity are restrained by a chain which attaches one of their legs to a
metal spike driven into the ground. This prevents them from straying away. They become
accustomed to the fact that, as long as the chain and spike are present, they are unable to move.
As they grow older, the minds of these baby elephants become programmed. When they see the
spike and chain, they "believe" and accept that they cannot move.
They become so conditioned that when their owners tie them down with nothing more than a
flimsy rope to move away, because they are already convinced that they can't.
In truth, their actual power as adults is so great that they could easily snap the rope or
uproot the tree and just walk away with the whole thing! Their programming, however,
prevents them from even making an attempt.
Does This Remind You of Anyone You Know?
We are all very much like these elephants. We allow severely limiting beliefs, which have
no basis in reality, to inhibit our actions and even our imaginations.
We are controlled by false childhood assumptions we made (or that someone else made
for us) about our ability, power or even our inherent worth.
Until we muster the courage and the energy to seek out and challenge these outdated notions,
we will continue to be as "imprisoned" as these elephants.
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark.The real tragedy of life is when
men are afraid of the light." - Plato
Rosella Aranda, marketer and writer, helps entrepreneurs change their thinking and escape l
imitations permanently.
www.SabotageThyselfNoMore.com/ Free mini-course!
http://www.FromThoughtsToRiches.com/ Now on Audio.
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