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The Power of the Heart
by Bonnie Moss (c) 2012 July

“ Since emotional processess can
work faster than the mind, it takes
a power stronger than the mind to
bend perception,override emotional
circuitry,and provide us with intuitive
feeling. It takes the power of the
heart instead.“ by Doc Childre, Founder,
Institute of HeartMath
There are many who seek healing methods some
of which are based on Eastern(not totally
geographical) practices such as yoga, Chi Quong
or tai chi. There are spiritual practices and
traditions around the world, in different cultures
and belief systems with the same message.
We have the ability to heal ourselves,to feel
that interconnectedness with the universe, if
we could just sit still and listen to our inner
voices, our inner guidance.
A culture of the heart is emerging.There is an
era of creativity and compassion which is coming.
The heart is playing a starring role in this new age...
Healthy Heart Meditation
Healing with the chakras to release the toxic
effects of daily stress is believed to be popularized
by the New Age Movement.These energy centers
can help to bring balance to life, to feel more positive
and help to release the toxins we accumulate in our
daily lives.Through meditation, opening and
balancing the chakras help to activate these
energy centers . And what is chakra?

The word chakra is derived from a
Sanskrit word meaning wheel, a
spinning wheel. Many who work
with chakras can see each primary
chakra as a spinning vortex with its
specific color.Chakras activate specific
areas of the energy system. There are
many chakra points in the human body,
but for healing and balancing purposes,
focus is on the seven main chakras.The
seven chakras are located along the spinal column
in ascending order from the base of the spine to the
top of the head.
From the bottom of the spine is the Root Chakra;
two inches beneath the belly button is the
Sacral chakra,between the belly button
and the base of the ribcage is the Solar Plexus,
in the center, between the breasts is the Heart Chakra,
next is the Throat Chakra,
between the eyebrows is the popular
Third Eye,on top of the head is the
Crown Chakra.
It is not the intention of this article to deal with
the main seven chakras in detail.
My focus is on the heart chakra.
The Heart Chakra
The heart is the place where we live our passions. It
is frail and easily broken,but wonderfully resilient. There
is no point in trying to deceive the heart.It depends
upon our honesty for its survival... Leo Buscaglia
The heart is the center of love, a human energy system.
Does love heal all? Who has not felt the pain of a
broken heart, grief and bereavement, the devastating
effect of betrayal, emotional issues, abandonment,
rejection, separation -just to name a few in a long
list of hurtful situations? It takes more than a physical
healing to dry the tears of a wounded heart. If
neglected, pain from the heart affects the spirit,
drains energy,mind,body and spirit are disconnected.
More often than not, medical attention is not enough
to heal heart problems.
Believe it or not, we are all connected to the Divine.
We have the gift of intuition, of feeling, of knowing.
We just have to learn how to tap into these gifts to
see us through the bad times and appreciate the good
times. Is blind faith enough? Not all of us are willing to
believe, much less to open our minds to find that
deeper connection with the Divine.
The heart chakra is located in the center of your
chest, in Sanskrit, it is Anahata Chakra,meaning
unstuck. It is linked to the physical and spiritual
selves. It is the mid-point of our physical bodies.
It lies between the three lower chakras, which keep
us moving in the physical realm. Above the heart
chakra are the three upper chakras, which help us
grow in the spiritual realm where our thoughts,
imagination, intuition and creativity can be realized.
Proponents of chakra healing and balancing of the
energies of the main chakras, believe that this brings
about healing of dis-ease, opens the intuitive abilities
which we born with, calms the mind and paves the
way to find inner peace. We learn how to let life
flow, be more appreciative of the countless blessings
that we are blind to. We come to realize that problems
and worries need not dominate our waking hours thus
tormenting the sub-conscious.
Through the heart chakra,we recognize and accept
the importance of love- unconditional love which is
open to all of us. As the heart chakra expands,
it includes the other six major chakras, brings into
harmony the physical and the spiritual self, thus
bringing life in balance. Meditating on the heart
chakra expands the meaning of thoughts, words
and deeds- it moves us into the true meaning of
love- a universal and unconditional love. The heart
chakra radiates power that helps us live abundant
and fulfilling lives.
It is a guiding force that connects the physical and
spiritual planes that help us avoid being self-centered,
un-caring, feeling like a victim and other negative
attributes. We share a world beyond ourselves, we move
beyond the apparent boundaries of our physical
world, be more aware and conscious that we are
all connected. This is easier said than done.
There are many forms of meditation. Working with
the chakras is a meditative process along with
visualization. There are resources on the internet
that offer good meditative practise on the heart
chakra. Meditation is a very personal choice.
What works for me, may not for someone else.
I encourage you to use the power of the internet
to find guidance on opening your chakras.
Information is at our fingertips, there is no harm
in trying proven methods, or belief system.
If it does not work for you, no harm done,
but you take away some knowledge.
Do try to find the power of your heart!
Ref :
Institute of Heart Math
Healthy Heart meditation
Images of chakras courtesy of
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