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The Impact of Positive or Negative Energy on Life Bonnie Moss (c)2011-04 To be positive or to be negative... that is the question. It is your choice. According to Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone in their book Success through a Positive Mental Attitude, 1960, " we translate into physical reality the thoughts and attitudes which we hold in our minds, no matter what they are. We translate into reality thoughts of poverty just as quickly as we do thoughts of riches. Negative Energy Thought is energy. Negative thoughts use up a lot of energy. Worry does not solve problems. It clouds your judgment since you are wrapped up in a blanket of insecurity, uncertainty, feelings of guilt and self-doubt. You are giving negative energy power and give life to the negative thoughts that you are creating. You are afraid that your project will fail. Guess what- the project fails. You always complain about your finances, that you never have enough money. Indeed, you are attracting financial difficulties with these negative thoughts. The negative thoughts that dwell in your mind can actually materialize . Negative feelings and thoughts fuel the power of negative energy. The path of negativity is an unhappy path - it encourages feelings of persecution and distrust. Negative energy casts dark clouds in what is actually a pleasant atmosphere. Negative energy is a nervous energy. It is difficult to be calm and collected when you are absorbed in negative thoughts. In a negative world, life is a struggle, challenges are persecutions , relationships cause misery and victory is out of reach. Failure is the end result. People tend to steer clear of a negative person. Negative energy is toxic. It is a downer and a person who tends to be negative does not promote good relationships. How do you like to listen to or be around someone who sees nothing right about any issue? If you constantly complain, whine or criticize issues and relationships, you are wasting your energy and drag others into your negativity. Negative energy is draining to the negative person and touches everyone it comes in contact with. Can this negative energy be turned around the other way? With the advances in technology and information, everyone is encouraged to think positive. When negative thoughts intrude, stop and think. If you believe that no one likes you, ask yourself why this is so. What makes you think this? Why not change your negative thoughts into a positive dimension. Think of yourself as a likeable person. Isn't this a pleasant thought? What are the qualities that make people like you? No one is perfect-but there is always room for improvement. Positive Energy Volumes of books are written about the advantages of positive thoughts which equate to positive energy. There is as much information on the internet. Positive thinking is not a new concept. Positive energy gives you the necessary forces for a fulfilling life- vim, vigor and vitality. It is not easy to turn around a negative way of thinking. But with determination and clear purpose, it is doable. Try to associate with people who see the bright side of life. Positive energy is not about getting into a state of denial. Positive attitude makes no room for doom and gloom. Of course there will always be times of sadness and pain. Remember, the sun does not always shine, gloomy days can go on for what seems an eternity. If you choose to surround yourself with positive energy, in the face of challenges, conflicts or daunting tasks , you cope with these with courage and confidence . You know in your heart that all these will come to pass. It is not unheard of that there are those with debilitating or terminal illness who accept the challenge and find a positive spin. In Canada, Terry Fox will be remembered for his courage to run across Canada to raise funds for cancer research. I will not go into detail in this article because it is worth your time to research who was Terry Fox and what is his contribution to research. It is a very inspiring story. Positive energy is encouraging. If you look at life with a positive attitude, you accomplish your goals and take others with you as you move on. Consciously or unconsciously, you influence people in your life- your family and friends. You also create a calm and peaceful atmosphere in your space which equates to the flow of positive energy that you share with anyone near you. You will still experience moments of anger, but it is not an anger that stirs vengeance or hatred, but that of understanding and compassion. Even in the midst of pain and sorrow, positive energy comes along and lightens the load. It shines brilliant and warm rays that lead you to the path of healing. It encourages you to forgive what needs to be forgiven. It helps you to find clarity to sort through what is relevant and pertinent at the moment and discard what is no longer helpful as you move forward. Positive energy strengthens your faith, first in yourself and in the Universe. You have that confidence that you will be provided with what you need. Positive energy fills your heart, your life with peace. It helps you understand that love is more powerful than hatred. In a difficult circumstance, breathe peace and surprise yourself. Things are not as bad as they seem. Positive energy paves your way to attract that which your heart desires and a life that undersands love. It fills you with inner peace. Positive energy helps you to enjoy and appreciate a life that has meaning.
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