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by Bonnie Moss 2003-12
..dancers lost in ecstasy, swaying gracefully
this way and that radiating warmth and passion on and on they dance, oblivious to echoes from the distant world... feel the power of the energy I am the Fire In Your Spirit
The suit of Wands represent the element Fire.It speaks of power, authority, special talents,
creativity,inner self,vision, along with the passion to pursue. It is related to what Jung's refers to
as intuitive function. Fire has a transforming energy,strongly indicating the power of the Will, fire
reflect dynamic forces available,the ability to reach deep into the Spirit for guidance. As with
any force,balance is needed to bring out the best a Wand card has to offer.Unrestrained, the
energy follows the path of confusion .
Ace of Wands
I am the force of creativity.I offer encouragement and inspiration.
I bring energy to add spark to your life. I pave a new path, carve
out a fresh plan, but yours is the choice to act or not.Savor
the beauty of Nature,flow with the Universe,Live in the NOW.
Listen, listen to your Inner self, for it will not lead you astray.
But, be wary, for too much energy brings over confidence,even
carelessness, and too much power.Tread cautiously, reign in the
force,but act, for something special is in store, a chance to
reach that goal, even healing of deep wounds. Follow through
or my offer may pass you by.
Appreciate yourself, reflect on the good things, and blocks will
dissipate.Open the door to the power and light of your inner self
and the Mystery of Life. Unlike the Fool ready to step over the
precipes in his innocence,this card stands for one who is ready
to forge ahead with full knowledge and preparation to face what
lies ahead.
Two of Wands
What do you see beyond the horizon? What ideas come, what
visions do you see as you gaze at the horizon? Listen to your
inner voice, learn about harmony and balance, do not ignore
the power of the Universe.
Let ideas flow, here is an opportunity to pursue your endeavours.
Two stands for duality,cooperation and balance. Acknowledge your
gifts, yourself, your courage and honorable motives.
Do not let obstacles discourage you. Think positive instead of
feeling down and lost in the dark. At times, the road gets bumpy
and full of potholes. Do not wallow in your confusion and misery,
take heed when I am reversed.
Three of Wands
In number three, expression comes, creativity flows. Express
your innermost thoughts. Be true to yourself, and clarity will be yours.
Here is a chance to fulfill your dreams and strengthen your
self-confidence, discover and develop to your full potential.
Believe in the power of the Light, this brings you in harmony
with yourself and your world. You are capable of deep insight,
do not waste this talent.
Understand your virtues, your skills, your talents; View what
you have to offer with conviction and faith. Be more aware of
yourself, stay in harmony with your Spirit, deal with your doubts
and fears, live according to your values and standards.
Do not forget to share what you can with the world.
Take note when I turn up in reverse.
Disappointments are part of Life. No one is spared. Learn what
you can from your mistakes, and get on with self-assurance and
faith.Forgive yourself ,do not let guilt cast you to a lifetime of
imprisonment. Draw upon the fire in your spirit.
Four of Wands
Feel the pleasure of fulfillment, of goals achieved with
patience, perseverance and effort.You have completed
a phase in your life. Dance to the music of Life,enjoy it,
you have earned it. Savor the inner peace and harmony.
Move on to the next step , rest not on your laurels but
keep growing. Patience is a virtue, things will work out
for you. Have faith, follow your ideas through and make
things happen. Celebrate life and all that it has to offer.
Four is a number of stability. Even if I come in reverse,
the setback is temporary,plans are delayed, relationships
lose their meaning and, please do not put too much emphasis
on material gains
Five of Wands
Five is a number of instability, strife, struggle and competition.
Are you feeling the weight of seemingly endless struggle in life.
Do you feel threatened? Life is chaotic at presen, but, think of
your trials and suffering as lessons and have faith that you will
overcome the obstacles.
Wade through the confusion, listen to your inner voice, pay
attention to those around you, for help may be within your reach,
if you believe in trusting others for completion.
You may have too many projects at hand, learn to focus
and be grounded. There is only so much you can do, especially
when confronted with a challenging issue.This is my message
when I show up in reverse.
Six of Wands
Six is a number of completion, assistance and idealism.
With this card, have faith that you will overcome hurdles that
come your way.Success is yours, your creative endeavours
are rewarded, your goals are within your grasp, savour the glory,
enjoy the triumph.
Your hard work has paid off. Acknowledge your success, appreciate
yourself, for you alone can validate your victory.
Do not allow disillusion to cloud your judgment. Disappointment is
part of life, not meant to put a stop to all endeavours. Keep on going
learn what you can,reassess the issue or situation, but do believe
in yourself, for in reverse, you need to keep your focus.
Seven of Wands
Whenever is Life without struggle? It is during confusing times
that you need to draw upon your inner resources, be introspective.
With number seven comes insight, unexpected change and a
deeper sense of perception. Which areas of your Life do you
wish to improve upon? What would you change if you were
offered the chance? Take heart, change may already be
on the way.
Do not feel overburdened, as I come reversed. Let go of
your self-doubt, weigh carefully the advice or comments of
others, stand by what you believe in- yourself.
Eight of Wands
The number eight brings with it power, energy, organization,
and control. Thoughts, ideas and plans are racing in your mind.
Get focused and organized. So much is riding on your ability
to put things in perspective, one thing at a time.
This is a call to your inner strength, beliefs, and to listen and
connect with your Higher self. A journey maybe at hand, a
travel of mind or actual travel .Swift is how things will come
and go.
But do not get carried away. As I turn up in reverse. I advice
caution, hasty decisions may cause for regret and conflict,
beware of rushing into relationships.
Nine of Wands
Sometimes the past hangs on and hinders progress.There
is strength and energy with this card, and a streak of stubbornness
and even a feeling of hostility.
This calls upon the forces of the spirit and the mind to confront
the battles you face. What sounds do you hear as the wind beats
against your being? What stirs your soul?
Draw upon your inner strength to face the opposition.Remember
the nine is a number of completion and fulfilment.
In reverse, you are unable to listen, even confused, take note of
warning signs .Regain your personal power, let the pains of the
past go, confront the shadows that hinder you from reaching
your full potential.
Ten of Wands
This is a time to test your strength, your character. Heavy
burden upon your shoulders will challenge your depth
and courage.
In number ten, you'll find new beginning through the completion
of tasks. You learn your lessons well.There's a chance to rise
above the pressure and succeed Be careful not to let your
power get to your head. Feel the fire within you, the passion
and the creative ways to deal with the challenges you face.
In reverse, do not knock yourself down. Defeat may be unavoidable,
deal with it, let it end and let life go on. But tread with caution
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