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Automatic Writing

by Bonnie Moss 2003 -12

What is automatic writing?

There are different explanations of what automatic writing is  as there are automatic 
writers. Some consider automatic writing as  “channeling.” Some claim that a state of 
trance is necessary to allow “spirit guides” to reach an expanded state of consciousness 
to access information that otherwise will not be available. It is fascinating  that some 
believe that it is the higher self that engages in the communication. Others claim it is the 
spirit of departed loved ones, there is the danger of a lower entity  that may interfere 
during the process and may even be harmful   to the writer.

Isn't  automatic writing a form of inspired writing that  has made literary greats  and artists? 
It raises the question as to who are you communicating with? What is the right process to 
evoke the best result? What results are expected from the session?

My automatic writing experience- What is it?

I dared sit down one evening and asked my Guide or Higher Self to clarify what automatic 
writing is. Here is what I wrote and did my fingers fly on the keyboard:

Automatic writing is helpful in gaining knowledge, wisdom and  information sometimes 
revelations from beyond this physical  world.It is a way of tapping into the higher realm of 
consciousness, of thoughts, of awareness. Automatic writing is not a complicated system. 
Methods are different for every individual who practices automatic writing. 

Sometimes,  getting prepared preconditions the brain, the mind, it does not allow for the 
free flow of thoughts. It is a communication with the higher self, it is a guide, an angel ,an 
entity. Is it possible to invite bad spirits? It all depends on how the individual is protected or 
shielded from negative energies that are around. Yes, it is possible.

Purity of intention is important -just sit down and write. Yes it helps to have something in 
mind to write about. As one gets more practice, it gets more efficient,thoughts, ideas will 
flow. With the advance of computers, it becomes a little impersonal but it is efficient .

Automatic writing is not for everyone .What questions should you ask ,what do you 
want to talk about, what is in your deepest  thoughts that  you seek, your ideas , your 
dreams. To connect with your true self, automatic writing is one way.. Automatic writing
is a way to connect  to the deeper strata of the subconscious. There are lots of information,
ideas, inspiration and guidance that  can be accessed . Automatic writing is one method. 
This is focusing on this method

Yes, it is important to clear the mind, to say a prayer

 to show  respect for what is about to occur. It is a communication, as such, communications 
should be conducted  with respect. Anticipation hinders the free flow of  thought .You want 
to contact a loved one from the past,yes it is possible ,but be aware that sometimes they 
are not ready to contact you .You may be interfering with their state and creates a state of 
unrest in them.Ideas will flow freely if one lets them .Is it your self you are communicating 
with? What do you think?

As you progress in this  means of accessing higher plane of consciousness, there may be 
important revelations. It will have nothing to do with the material  plane of existence. it will be
ideas, principles, inspired writings and a wealth of information. 

This is my take on this topic.You’ve done a lot of writing, inspired topics, review and rewrite.  
You have a very viable outlet for your ideas and writings on your website.This keeps your mind 
occupied, it is good for you .This is just an introduction. Keep at it regularly, and it gets easier 
and clearer. Pray for your inner peace and harmony.


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