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5 Ways to Attract Prosperity and Abundance


Copyright � 2004, Julie Plenty

When you hear the words "abundance" and "prosperity",
what immediately comes to mind? Is it money, fulfilling
relationships, a lovely house to live in, peace of mind,
a career/vocation that expresses your gifts? It may
be all or none of those things. It may mean something
and abundance into your life, no matter how you define
them, then this article outlines 5 key ways to do so.

1. Understand Attraction Law

This is better known as the Law of Attraction, as
defined by Abraham Hicks, states that "you attract
whatever you give your attention and energy to, whether
wanted or unwanted". So, if you're curious about what
you're putting out there,look at what you are attracting,
the visible results in your life.

Knowing about and working with the the Law of Attraction
will help you in manifesting, creating and attracting more
abundance and prosperity in your life. Once you understand
it, there's no turning back.

2. You get what you focus on

One of the key concepts in the Law of Attraction is
that you get what you focus on, whether that be money,
relationships,employment etc). So when you focus on
having less, that is the experience you create for
yourself. Saying that "I hate my job" will just draw
even more attention to the aspects of the job that
you don't like. Even if you look for another job, it'll
be with that negative energy.

Just wanting something isn't enough, because you will still
continue to think about what you don't have. Always
focusing on what you lack means that you don't see the
present and future opportunities, or begin to realise your
true desires. You're getting in your own way!

3. Clear your head allow you to focus more effectively. Our minds
are full of "stuff"; old, tired and limiting beliefs, which
don't reflect who we are now, or who we want to become. Set
aside quiet time for yourself on a regular basis to get real
clear about what you really want to attract in your life.
Use this opportunity to ask yourself questions.

Ask yourself: "how can I create more prosperity and
abundance in my life?". Once your head is clear, you
will allow the answers to come to you. Meditation is a
great way to start clearing the mind.

4. Appreciate life's abundance

Appreciating life's abundance is another way to opening
yourself up to accept more abundance and prosperity in your
life. When you fully appreciate what you have in your life,
the Universe has a way of giving you more. Keep a gratitude
journal and at the end of each day, write down everything
that you appreciate in your life. You'll begin to change
your energy and vibration and become more internally
aligned with what you want to create in your life.

5. Use prosperity affirmations

As you write your gratitude journal, it is an opportunity
to write down prosperity affirmations as well. Affirmations
are statements of acceptance that you use to manifest
your destiny or what you want to create in your life.
They are powerful,positive thoughts and words sent out
to the universe.

If you want to use affirmations to create positive
changes in your life, then you must first BELIEVE that
this is possible.It shouldn't be a half hearted "well,
I'll give this a go and see what happens".

To make affirmations more effective, put as much positive
energy in writing and saying them as possible. Visualise
what you want to create and let this inform your
prosperity affirmations.

When you cease operating from a position of lack, you
start to create the fertile conditions to make more
informed decisions,identify greater opportunities and
attract more abundance and prosperity into your life.

Resource Box:

Julie Plenty is a Personal and Business Coach who helps self
employed creative professionals develop a strong personal
foundation and therefore increase the success of their business
. For more self growth articles, resources and free ecards, visit:

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