The Invisible World Around Us
Bonnie Moss September 2012
William Wordsworth wrote:
To every natural form,rock, fruit or flower,
Even the loose stones that cover the highway,
I gave a moral life. I saw them feel
Or linked them to some feeling: the great mass
Lay in some bedded quickening soul and all
That I beheld respired with inward meaning.
You feel the wind, but do you really see it? You see the trees swaying as their leaves dance
to the beat of the wind. We do not have to be able to "touch" anyone to be connected with them.
No one sees our thoughts, yet, we send out thoughts and vibrations to our surroundings. We
send our collective healing thoughts and prayers to victims of man's inhumanity to man, or
natural calamities. Even inanimate objects need respect and care- some fuss over their vehicles
and other prized possessions.
Have you seen Father Time lately? Does he fly by waving at you when you are having fun?

Does Time sit with you when you are still and reflective?

A smile, a prayer, a kind thought, an attitude of gratitude sends out positive vibrations to the
whole universe. A kind gesture to a stranger, reaching out to someone, these proves that
somehow, we are connected. Being angry, cynical or judgmental just fuels the negativity
around you, makes you feel a heavy burden on your shoulders and leaves you no peace.
We've known these feelings- all pulsating in the invisible world around us.
Gardeners talk about their connection with their plants. Gardening is a way to connect with
the earth and nature.They claim that talking to their plants enhances their growth. Some believe
that plants can absorb your pain or angst just by placing your open palm over them and seek
their help by surrendering what ever bothers you. Plants emit vibrations invisible to the naked
eye. Tree lovers believe in the soul of the tree, that hugging a tree helps boost your energy level.
To take a walk is a connection with Mother Earth and Nature. Sad that so many do not believe in
universality - one way or another, we are all connected.
“ There is a Swedish folktale of the forests.The lumberjacks of northern pine, fir and spruce used
to work pretty much alone, felling trees, lopping branches in the short days of white cold. Sometimes,
Huldra visits their camp. She is described as exquisitely formed creature,delicate, enchanting and
irresistable. Her appearance would get the attention of the lumberjacks. A wood cutter would drop
his axe and follows her, beckoning deep into the woods. As the man approaches, she turns her face
away then vanishes, she becomes invisible. As he gets deeper into the woods, he gets lost ,unable
to find any familiar markings, and therefore freezes to death. James Hillman writes about this in his
book, The Soul's Code. He lists the throng of invisibles that add order to our lives such as: family
values, self-development, relationships, happiness, then he adds the stronger figures of control,
success or failure. (1)
In everyday life, we are aware of the importance of energy which is all around us and in everything
we do. Energy is critical to sustain life. There are theories about energy- electrical, mechanical,
electro-magnetic fields of energy. The microwave transmits energy that cooks food with great speed.
Satellite transmissions swirl around and takes care of the electronic messages around the world.
Most of these energies can not be seen, we can only feel or notice its effects.
One popular way is chakra balancing which involves working with the energetic channels or meridians.
It is believed that balancing and opening the chakras help to unblock stale energy within the body. This
is achieved through meditation and visualization. Does anyone see these in a physical sense? Meditation
transports a person into a world beyond what the eyes can see.
Have you ever walked into a room and feel tension in the air? Some believe it is due to negative energy
that pervades the atmosphere. We are aware how draining it is to be around people who are wrapped
up in their negative world, prisoners of their negativity. Or, on the other side, there are those who walk
into a room and just brightens up the place. We feel these energies, yet, can not put a face to what
positive or negative energy looks like.
Myth and mysticism has fascinated man throughout the ages. Why does myth live on almost forever?
It is the invisible world that fuels the power of the myth. It is said that myth is a mixture of truth and
poetic fancy. Does Huldra exist as flesh and blood or a shadow from the invisible world? Mysticism
crosses the bridge between the visible and invisible world. Some consider it magical. No one can
see the face of intuition or perception. It is out there in the invisible world that surrounds us. Some
believe in rituals and its benefits.

,auric field
While we look not at things which are seen,but at things which are not seen; for the things which are
seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinth .iv.18
In ancient Ireland, the Celtic people believed they were part of the Eucharist of Nature. They viewed
the world as divine that each one shared with the natural world. To them, each mountain held a s
oul and each river had a heart and together, they belonged to the Great Circle. With the coming
of Christianity in the 5th century, this sacred vision vanished.
Poet and scholar John O'Donohue in his work ,The Invisible World, writes -”did this sacred vision
vanish? In his work, he recovers Celtic spirituality's original mysteries, practices and beliefs that
enrich Ireland and its people today. To them, life is sacred, yet they reserved their greatest reverence
not for what they can see, but for what they could not. They sensed the invisible world, the great
unknown from which they came from and the source of eternal wonder in their lives. He teaches
that through prayer,we may directly enter into this secret immensity and escape the psychological
prisons we create for ourselves.” (ref)
"O world invisible, we view thee,
O world intangible, we touch thee,
O world unknowable, we know thee,
Inapprehensible, we clutch thee!" by John O'Donohue
This is the beauty of the mystery of life.
James Hillman- The Soul's Code
John O'Donohue- The Invisible World
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