By Patricia Darrow, Astrologer
The greater our ability to link up with the subconscious mind, the more psychic we
will become. One of the first rules is to ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION.
Remember, the first answer on a test is almost always correct.
Your first psychic impression is almost always correct. I remember receiving as impression
to not proceed through an intersection, even though the light was green. I had a strong
inner feelings to stop and wait. Although it was rush hour traffic, I stopped and waited.
A car ran the red light. If I had not paid attention to that warning, I could have been
very seriously hurt. I could list numerous occasions when I have had a feeling which
came to me and I dismissed it, only to regret later.
Never dismiss your inner thoughts and feelings as mere imagination. Your inner self
is trying to communicate to you. You benefit by paying attention. Sometimes the knowledge
comes in the form of clairsentience, or "clear feeling ". It can direct you to
things you want as well as warn.
For example, I wanted a particular blouse but they did not have it in my size in
the store. Several months later,in another town, I stopped at another branch
of the store and found the item I wanted on sale. It was the correct color
and size. If I had not followed the impression to stop, I would not have
what I desired. We all experience it at one time or another in our lives. But, all
too often, we ignore and miss opportunities.
Clairsentience is usually the first psychic sense to be developed and it involves
feelings received from the higher self. For example, a psychic may tell about their
personality traits of some person, by feeling that these traits do exist in the person.
A client’s feeling of discontent with job or relationship will come across as a feeling
of restlessness or frustration. If a client feels confined by a set of circumstances,
the reader will feel confined. I remember reading for a person and telling her that I felt
that her son was very confined and felt like he was in a very small space. She told me that
he was serving time in prison. A depressed client will make the psychic feel depressed and
The same transfer may occur with physical illness. For example, the client is ill or asks
about a sick relative, sometimes the psychic will feel very weak or feel the actual pain of
the person seeking the reading.
If the person asks a question like, "Will I get married next year?", a warm or cold
feeling will result. The feeling is like your hand in water, warm or cold. From it, one can
tell if the event is likely to occur. If cold, the answer is no, of course, However, the
event will more likely occur if the feeling is warm. When you get a negative or cold feeling
from a person, trust that impression. They may be depressed, negative, selfish or may not
have your best interest at heart. Often these feelings are dismissed as insignificant.
At first, 90% of the information you receive will be through clairsentience. Most people
expect to begin their psychic development by seeing pictures and hearing voices. First
psychic impressions very rarely, if ever, are such vivid sensations. If you ignore
your "clear feelings" and expect a visual or auditory display immediately,
you will be disappointed. All good things come with practice and patience. But, like
anything else, you must work at it consistently.
There are no short cuts. Begin to pay close attention to your feelings, since this
will provide you with valuable psychic information about yourself and others. Remember, the
more you attune yourself to your feelings and those of others, the clearer the impression.
If you feel good about something, act on it. If you do not, postpone it for another time.
Flowing with your feelings will help actualize your best possible future. Sometimes your
conscious mind will try to argue. But always follow your first impression. You will find
huge rewards.
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