From the Inside Out ... Biospiritual existence
by Edward B. Toupin
The human being is composed of three distinct components: body, mind, and soul.The body is
the electro-mechanical device that houses our souls. The mind is the controller and communicator
between the body, the soul, and the Universe. The problem these days is that, while we work to
strengthen our bodies through diet and exercise and we work to enhance our souls through church
and religion, we miss out on the continued growth of the mind beyond the established, orthodox
boundaries. Indeed, we do educate ourselves, but there are other aspects of education and
understanding that we dismiss from our growth as complete human beings. Instead of seeking
knowledge, we merely accept the answers to the "big questions" on the faith of religion and society.
Spiritual Growth
Indeed, the reference to spiritual growth usually sparks thoughts of organized religion. However,
"true" spiritual growth has little to do with spirits, gods, and monsters. It has to do with our ability
to expand our minds beyond our earthly boundaries.
It is the communication and communion with all and others in our community and across the galaxy.
It is in understanding what we truly are as human beings and spiritual essence.
Circa 325 AD, organized religion has been dismissing the metaphysical and teaching that our
spiritual self stops with deities. Those unanswered questions that we all fear are accepted through
faith-based derisions as opposed to fact-based knowledge.By disavowing the spiritual self beyond
our human existence and
teachings, we limit our knowledge and inborn capabilities.
Health and Life
From research by scientific leaders such as Dr. Hal Puthoff, we have come to see our beings as
more than just water, chemicals, and electrical impulses. Our fluid bodies are formed by an
"energy mold" that becomes what metaphysicians call our "aura." With the mapping of the
DNA, this aura guides the growth and existence of the human body through life. At death, the
energy dissipates and the physical turns to dust. Health and life
control the amplitude of this
energy. The greater this energy,
the greater our presence in the physical world and the
spiritual Universe.
This energy is also the core of our healing abilities. Internally, our organs are grown and function
according to the shape and amplitude of the energy field. If our energy field changes, we grow ill,
anxious, or depressed. Our health is depleted.The work on our Chakras through techniques such
as Reiki provides us with an approach to replenishing and opening our energy points within our bodies.
With this in mind, and coming to understand the power of our own energy fields, by controlling
these fields and our interactions with the higher-self, we will be able to control disease and maladies
within our physical beings. Imagine being able to alter our energy fields to regrow limbs, alter the
energy of cancer cells, or repair damaged tissue.
But, there is more to this energy than just life. It provides us all with a natural interface between
our physical being and the ocean of energy around us. It is the mechanism that allows us to sense
and retrieve knowledge from the Universe around us. We can reach out to either acquire or influence
through time and space.
Two of the more common methods of using this energy are "remote viewing" and "remote influencing."
These techniques of interfacing with remote times and locations have been in use for decades by the
military and many law enforcement agencies. Although many see it as a carnival sideshow of psychics,
indeed, it is a proven and professional mechanism for
communicating and extracting information.
Importance of the Spiritual Self
It is evident that man's mental status cannot be judged against abnormal behaviors presented
by today's religious and societal norms. It must be evaluated against their spiritual as well.
It is easier to dismiss someone with a psychological term instead of evaluating their spiritual
connectedness. Indeed, lacking spirituality in one's life removes a balancing piece of the human being.
We all require a belief in something greater to provide a balance in our lives. Although faith-based
religion provides denigrating answers to the big questions, it instills fear in its followers. However,
knowledge-based spirituality provides a basis for intellectual intercourse with the Grid , the ever-present
storage house of every entity that lives, has ever lived, and will ever live.
I am not speaking of the belief in a god or whether someone is a good Christian and goes to church
every Sunday. What I am speaking of is the acceptance of something greater than us and among us
all. This belief makes us whole and gives us a connection that allows us to create and conceive from
the vast expanses of the Universe.
What's next?
It is essential that we, as physical beings, come to understand our spiritual selves. Many have
turned their back against their spiritual self because of one difficult issue or another. But, realize,that
by turning your back on this part of your being, you are turning your back on yourself. Come to
terms with yourself and accept that your physical self and spiritual self require one another to live a
balanced and fulfilling physical life.
Know that, while your physical self is down here working, your
spiritual self is cutting deals
and establishing paths for you in your future. Learn how to communicate with it and interface with
your Universe through your "energy interface." In this way, you can create a world like none other
simply by influencing your Universe and acquiring the knowledge necessary to know the path.
About the Author
Edward B. Toupin is an author, publisher, life-strategy coach,
counselor, Reiki Master,
technical writer, and PhD Candidate
living in Las Vegas, NV. Among other things, he authors
books, articles, and screenplays on topics ranging from career success through life organization
and fulfillment. Check out some of his recent print and electronic books as well as his articles
covering various life-changing topics!
For more information, and to find out about his upcoming title on book publishing, e-mail Edward at or visit his site at!
Copyright (c) 2004 Edward B. Toupin
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