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by Ada  Brown
June 2006 Listening comes in so many forms that unless we sit down mentally and think about it we really don’t take stock in what it can potentially mean in so many areas of our lives. Everyone has had a spouse or significant other say “YOU just don’t listen to me” at some point. We are all guilty of it at least once in our lifetimes. Not listening is easy to do in this culture of noise and information feeding into us from every angle. My youngest daughter has accused me more than once of “didn’t you even HEAR me?,” for which I plead guilty as charged. My brain is already on overload with all the things to remember for kids, work, house, significant other, computer stuff,car stuff, it goes on and on and on. So,the last year or two I have been working very hard to correct this for both my daughter’s sake and mine. There is another facet in my life that is so very mportant for me to have listened and that is my intuitive side. My guides have been trying to help steer this little redhead onto her various lessons in life with each step. Just this morning, I got a big internal message of “If you’re trying to listen to other psychics/mediums how can you hear us?” It was on a trip to the bathroom. I love it when my guides pick the most common spots for the wake up calls. It really sets you on even ground with everything. This is one of the times I have to internally raise my hands and go, “OK you have my full attention.” The problem was I have been trying to get a reading from other psychics as to where I am stuck. How can I listen to my guides, if I am too intent on going elsewhere for the information I am seeking. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes, it is necessary for anyone to seek out from a real psychic or medium for whatever we are searching. But for me it was going against what I had been directed towards for my own personal growth. I was told months ago that I HAD to start listening harder to that inner voice. When I agreed with God/Spirit/the Universe and my guides to start working in earnest with my gifts/abilities to help others, this was one of the first things I was told, yes, told. It wasn’t a booming voice from the sky, no bushes burned, nothing like that just a very clear message inside my head of the need for listening to my internal guidance system and to my angels/guides who are there to help me at ALL times. They have been there since I can remember. I just didn’t acknowledge who was giving me the information that so often kept me and my girls safe. It was those times of not going at a certain time down the interstate highway due to a wreck/traffic jam. They gave me the heads up regarding illness with my girls when they were small. They had been there consoling me through a rough, growing period of almost nine years in an abusive relationship. They guided me through the pain of many of life’s occurrences. I can,in all honesty ,say that if it weren’t for listening to them back some 8 years ago, I would be a dead woman now, at least in spirit if not on the physical side itself. A few years ago, my gifts/abilities started to flair up or heighten. After leaving an oppressive marriage, one part in a series of big bumps in the road of life,I claimed ME back to life and into life. Since that time, my gifts and abilities have been more awake than ever before. I have always had a strongly intuitive nature, however, this was as if the radio channel had been changed and the antennae had been boosted up. This was something I had very little preparation for and as time has progressed I have been learning about these gifts. My angels have worked overtime. The great love and encouragement that they give on a daily basis is tremendous in so many ways. We just have to listen , each time we do listen, it can become easier and easier. Without a question, the most important part of this process has been my guides trying to teach me to LISTEN. This includes what things to pay attention to when I give a reading for someone. It is an interesting process to learn the way one’s gifts work. Each person has their own form of communication links when they have this type of “special antennae.” We will all have big bumps and small bumps in life. It is part of living. We cannot control everything or what would we learn? Asking “What am I not hearing/listening to?” does me a world of good when those rough spots hit home. I take time to listen, it can be on the back of my truck watching it rain for 10 minutes, or watching the cats chase things outside, as I wash dishes in front of my kitchen window, or my morning walk when it’s just me and God/Spirit, I take the time to listen and hear the answers. God/Spirit let us hear the answers to the questions asked, and let us learn from the guidance and love that is given. Many blessings, Ada About Ada: I am Ada May Brown, mother of 3 lovely young ladies who are now off on their life's journey. Now it is time for me to start the second part of my life's journey. Being a medium and a psychic is something my guides have shown me to be a calling to help others both on this side of life and after passing. It is an interesting road that has lead me to this point in life and it will be an interesting journey on this road in life. Many blessings, Ada Adamay2br@aol.com Article Archive P A G E S The Scenic Route Bonnie's Page


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